The Season of Giving – Gift Ideas for all the Homeowners in your Life

Coming up with gift ideas for the people in your life can be difficult sometimes.  We have put together a gift-giving guide for those people that have moved into a new home or a new condo.  Perhaps you are the one that has moved this year if so we included some ideas for little gifts for your new neighbours around the holiday season.



Buying gifts for the new homeowners in your life can be an exciting gift to shop for and the possibilities can seem endless! Toasters, towels, and linens at every corner! If your homeowner hasn’t registered anywhere, the choices can easily make a fun experience feel like a nightmare. Here is your cheat sheet with the top 5 gifts to buy a new homeowner this holiday season.

New Neighbours

Welcoming new residents into the neighbourhood can be an exciting time for both you and them. We are anxious to get to know these new faces and find out if we’ll be exchanging friendly smiles and small talk or inviting them over for BBQ’s or game nights in the near future, and there is no better way to break the ice with those new neighbours during the holiday season than with a small and thoughtful gift. Check out our Homeowner gift-giving guide to the top 5 gift ideas to impress your new neighbours.

Condo Owners

It takes a lot of thought to find the perfect gift for friends and family over the holiday season, and one common mistake that many gift-givers make is not knowing what the recipient necessarily wants or needs. If you are buying for Condo owners, in particular, space can be limited which can make gift-giving even harder; the challenge becomes finding gifts that do not necessarily have to be stored for too long, or at all. So put down that toaster oven and check out these top 5 ideas for gifts to give your space-saving Condominium dwelling friends and family this holiday season:

Interested in learning about purchasing a condo check out our latest blog post about buying a condo and everything you need to know by Clicking Here